On the Debian system download the bind9 package with: sudo apt-get install bind9 dnsutils Next, follow what’s in this script (or type them in one at a time): chroot-bind.sh #!/bin/bash #—————— Variables——————- # ME=`/usr/bin/whoami` DIRECTORY=/etc/bind #————————————————# # Some Error Checking # if [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then echo “Sorry but you must be root…
Author: a blogger
non-rootvg paging space and restoration problem
Recently I have had the misfortune of discovering the error of my ways (in a specific instance). By default when one installs a VIO Server or AIX O/S install, a default paging device is created. The size of the paging space is determined on the resources. I’ve seen some documentation which states that the paging…
performing aix TL and SP updates
Recently I performed some AIX updates and noted a peculiarity. However, before delving into that I should give some information on performing the updates. I can’t stress the importance of updates enough. Too many times companies servers are hacked or compromised in some manner which can be disastrous on so many levels. This is why…