I found an interesting fact recently. This is a combination of using AIX (confirmed on AIX 5.3 and 6.1, may affect 7.1 too) and the chroot functionality of openssh. The idea of course is to setup a user or group to be jailed to a specific directory with openssh. This can force them to use…
Category: AIX
using netcat to transfer files between servers
If you wish to avoid the overhead of the ssh encryption algorithm you can use netcat to transfer the files. Be warned, that this is plain text, so you should only use this on a trusted network (or with non-sensitive data). On target: “nc -l 4000 | tar xvf -” On source: “tar -cf -…
non-rootvg paging space and restoration problem
Recently I have had the misfortune of discovering the error of my ways (in a specific instance). By default when one installs a VIO Server or AIX O/S install, a default paging device is created. The size of the paging space is determined on the resources. I’ve seen some documentation which states that the paging…