- bootinfo –r shows how much RAM does my machine has (as root)
- lsattr –E –l sys0 –a realmem shows how much RAM does my machine have (as non root)
- rmss -c 512 sets the memory size to 512 MB
- rmss -r resets the memory size to the original one
- powermt display lists errors etc for fibre cards
- lsattr -El en0 displays en0 driver params
- lsattr -El ent0 displays ent0 HW params
- lsattr -El rmt0 displays tape params
- lscfg -vp -l rmt0 all information about a tape drive
- lsattr -El sys0 displays system type, firmware, etc driver params
- lscfg –v lists all system HW config (NVRAM)
- lsdev –Csscsi list all scsi devices
- lsdev –Cspci list all pci devices
- lsparent –Ck scsi list all scsi adapters
- lsdevfc list fiberchannel devices
- cfgmgr Configures devices
- lsdev -Ccdisk Shows all disks
- lsdev -Cctape Shows all tapes
- cfgmgr -v -l device –v Specifies verbose output. The cfgmgr command writes information about what it is doing to standard output.
- cfgmgr -v -l device Name Specifies the named device to configure along with its children. If you only turned on a disk tower at e.g. scsi2
cfgmgr -v -l scsi2
will only configure this with detailed output. - lsdisp To check which graphic adapter is installed.
- lscfg -vp -l mga0 (all information about a adapter)
- lscfg -vp -l hdisk0 | grep Machine gives info about the disk manufacture type
- lsslot -c pci For 6F1 only !!!! Lists all slots ,voltage,boards,etc !!!!
- bootlist -m normal cd0 rmt0 hdisk0 Changes the default bootlist
- lsmcode -c display the system firmware level and service processor
- lsmcode -r -d scraid0 display the adapter microcode levels for a RAID adapter scraid0
- lsmcode -A display the microcode level for all supported devices
System info
- /usr/bin/uname -m Get machine ID
- /usr/bin/uname -M Get platform type
- oslevel Displays current AIX level
- oslevel -r Displays current AIX maintenance level
- oslevel -g List filesets at levels later than maintenance level !!!
- lsps -a Paging space settings
- lscfg -vp -l proc0 (1,2,3) (all information about a processor[s])
- lscfg -vp -l mem0 |pg all information about memory modules installed
- env ulimit Environment settings – show user ulimit
- bootinfo –s hdisk0 Displays disk size
- lsattr -El sys0 -a systemid Determines the system serial number
- lscfg –vp|grep ROM|grep -v CD Determines the system Firmware level
System issues
- TERM=vt100 Run this if you execute a command/application and it responds with message ‘The type of your terminal is unknown to the system’. In ‘ksh’ and tcsh set term=vt100
- dd if=/dev/fd0 of=/tmp/diskimage bs=4096 Duplicate a diskette copy from diskette to hard drive
- dd if=/tmp/diskimage of=/dev/fd0 bs=4096 copy diskette image onto diskette
- /usr/lpp/X11/bin/xset -display unix 0 s off Kill display timeout
- lsfs -v jfs List of Filesystem items.
- lsfs -q -v jfs You can see also the parameter of a filesystem and thus see if e.g. /backup was or is a big_filesystem_enabled one. Important for the 2GB File limit.
- lsuser –f root Shows all user parameters (max .file size,etc)
- sysdumpdev -L Check last system dump status
- sysdumpdev -l Check system dump device settings
- lslpp -f Upd_Timna_DTM.obj List contents of package
- netstat -i displays network interfaces setting
- mktcpip -S en0 dumps all TCPIP information for the interface in compact format
- showmount –e displays all exported volumes
- showmount -a show who’s got my filesystemsses mounted over IP
- lssrc –g tcpip displays all IP oriented processes status
- entstat -drt ent0 |grep –i error display any communication errors on ent0
- entstat -r Resets all the statistics back to their initial values.
- arp -a shows a local arp cache
- netstat -ptcp shows IP statistics
- netstat -pudp shows UDP statistics
- netstat -I en0 10 Trace en0 every 10 seconds
- netstat -rn Display routing info with IP address
- netstat -in Shows the state of all configured interfaces
- netstat -r Display routing info with full hostnames
- nfsstat –z Reset NFS stats without reboot
- mount hostname:/filesystem /mount-point Mount an NFS filesystem
- mknfsexp -d /directory Creates an NFS export directory
- mknfsmnt Creates an NFS mount directory
- rmnfs Stops and un-configures NFS services
- mknfs Configures and starts NFS services
- exportfs Lists all exported filesystems
- exportfs -a Exports all fs’s in /etc/exports file
- exportfs -u filesystem Un-exports a filesystem
- synclvodm -vP vgname synchronizes ODM and the disk VG info.
- redefinevg vgname Redefine VG definition in ODM to resync LVM and ODM definitions
- lqueryvg -p hdisk0 –Avt Reads logical volumes info from disk
- bootinfo -s hdisk0 Shows Megabytes available even if no volume group is assigned.
- lspv -p hdisk0 PP’s used, location on disk, mount point
- lscfg -vp -l hdisk0 all information about a disk/raid
- fuser -k /dev/cd0 Releases a CD that is being held open by a process
- fuser –c /some/filesystem Find out which PID is holding open the filesystem
- istat filename Shows when the file was last created/modified/accessed
System monitoring
- istat filename Shows create/modify/access file info
- alog -o -t boot displays system boot log
- last –20 Shows last 20 logins
- history Last commands run on the system by this user
Performance issues
- sar –P ALL 2 2 Show all CPU’s activity on an SMP machine
- svmon –i 2 Monitors real and virtual memory
- ps auxw | sort –r +3 |head –10 Shows top 10 memory usage by process
- ps auxw | sort –r +2 |head –10 Shows top 10 CPU usage by process
- ps –auw | grep defunct Shows zombies processes (to kill – reboot or kill the parent)
- filemon –O all –o filemon.out ; find / -name core ; trcstop Traces FS,LV,disks,files activity of a “find” command into a logfile (filemon.out). Must be preceded by a trcstop command.
- tprof –x find / -name core ; trcstop Traces CPU activity of a “find” command. Several logfiles are created. Must be preceded by a trcstop command.
- tprof -ske -x “sleep 30” Trace CPU activity for next 30 seconds. Results in file sleep.tprof.
- lvmstat –ev vgname Enable lvmstat tracing on VG vgname
- lvmstat –v vgname 2 Display LVM stats every 2 seconds on VG vgname
- lvmstat -dv vgname Disable lvmstat tracing on VG vgname
Remote issues (working over the modem)
- pdelay tty0; pdisable tty0 >/dev/null ;penable tty0 Resets tty0
- stty erase ‘^?’ Makes backspace work if backspace is DEL
- stty erase ‘^H’ Makes backspace qork if backspace is CTRL-H
- kermit -l /dev/ttyx –c atdt phone# Use Unix to dial out using the modem on serial port ttyx
- kermit -s /some/file -i Sends a file to a remote instance of kermit in binary mode
- kermit –r Receives a file from a remote instance of kermit
Browsing errlog with errpt
- errpt -a -s 0604090601 -e 0605090901 browse the errlog in detail for all errors within a timeframe
- errpt -a -N SYSPROC List error logs for the SYSPROC resource
- errpt -j 5DFED6F1 Browse the errlog by the identifier
- errpt –A Shows fewer details then errpt -a
- errpt –D Eliminates double entries
Security issues
- chmod -s filename Remove suid (“sticky”) bit to a file or directory
- chmod +r+w+x+t filename Add Read+Write+Execute+Temp mode to a file or directory. This is a ‘blanket’ change for all owner, user & group, otherwise:
Numeric Access Modes 0 (---) - no access 1 (--x) - execute permissions; search permissions for directories 2 (-w-) - write access 3 (-wx) - execute/search permission and write access 4 (r--) - read access 5 (r-x) - execute/search permission and read access 6 (rw-) - read and write access 7 (rwx) - execute/search permission and read and write access
- mkpasswd -f rebuild the /etc/passwd indexes in case of suspected corruption
Category: AIX