For the purposes of this tutorial I will be configuring the following:
- Ubuntu 16.04.1 Server Hostname: IP: => Puppet Server
- Ubuntu 16.04.1 Desktop Hostname: IP: => Puppet Client 1
- CentOS 7 Desktop Hostname: IP: => Puppet Client 2
Install the puppet Server
Enable the Puppetlabs Repository (replacing distro name as required)
- wget
- sudo dpkg -i puppetlabs-release-trusty.deb
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
# install all updates firstsudo apt-get install puppetmaster
Lock the puppet installed version (so O/S updates don’t interfere with your puppet infrastructure & rollouts)
puppet -V
## Note the versionsudo nano /etc/apt/preferences.d/00-puppet.conf
# ========== Start of 00-puppet.conf file =============== #
Package: puppetmaster
Pin: version 3.8*
Pin-Priority: 501
# ============= End of 00-puppet.conf file ============= #
Note: Replace version 3.8* with the version found earlier.
Install and configure GIT for versioning
sudo apt-get install git
cd /etc/puppet
sudo git init
sudo git add .
git config --global "Your username here"
git config --global "client email address here"
sudo git commit -m "Initial commit for puppet" -a
Determine if SSL Certificate is on Puppet Server
# puppet cert list --all
The puppet master should have it’s own signed Certificate here, and be listed. The line would start with a +. If nothing is here, then a certificate should be generated.
Check if puppet server is running
# systemctl status puppetmaster.service
Look to see if it is “active (running)”. Should be, if not you can start it with: systemctl start puppetmaster.service
The puppet server will listen on TCP port 8140. You can also check to see if the system is listening with:
# netstat -antp |grep :8140
Puppet Client Install #1
For the first example system, we are going to install the puppet client on a Ubuntu 16.04.1 desktop system (64-bit). Follow along the steps to get it configured.
First, let’s update the system:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
# Download repo file
sudo dpkg -i puppetlabs-release-trusty.deb
# install repo
sudo apt-get install puppet
# Install the puppet client package
Lock puppet version
sudo nano /etc/apt/preferences.d/00-puppet.conf
# =========== Start of 00-puppet.conf file ============= #
Package: puppet puppet-conf
Pin: version 3.8*
Pin-Priority: 501
# =============== End of 00-puppet.conf file ========= #
Stop the puppet client daemon
# systemctl status puppet.service
The service should be active. As this is the first install, the puppet-agent should be warning about not being able to request a certificate.
Add puppet master to clients /etc/hosts file
# echo <IP address> <hostname> | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
Note: The above line will add the IP address and hostname for the Puppet Master server previously configured to the /etc/hosts file on this desktop’s host. Replace the <IP Address> and <hostname> as necessary. example: # echo mypuppetmaster | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
Start the puppet client daemon
Now that the desktop will be able to see the puppet master (via the local /etc/hosts file), you can now star the daemon. It should attempt to auto-connect with the puppet master. On the puppet master you should see a ssl-request from the client. You can check this with:
# puppet cert list
The desktop’s client hostname should be listed. Now you will want to sign the ssl request, so the puppet server and client can communicate. This is accomplished with running this (from the Puppet Master):
# puppet cert sign <hostname>
Note: Replacing hostname, with the FQDN of the displayed hostname from the puppet cert list
command above.
Now that the ssl certificate is signed, the puppet client & server can communicate. It is advisable to restart the daemon on the client by running: # sudo systemctl restart puppet.service
Puppet Client Install #2
After the O/S is installed (centOS 7), we will perform an OS upgrade so the system is up-to-date with: yum update
Next, we’ll want to grab the repository for that with:
# sudo rpm -Uvh
# sudo yum install puppet
Modify the /etc/hosts file. Add the entry for the puppet master there.
# echo mypuppetmaster puppet | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
Running a # puppet cert list on the puppet master confirms the SSL certficate was generated, and is now required to be signed by the puppet master.
Run: # puppet cert sign
Notice: Signed certificate request for
Notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest at ‘/var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/requests/’
Once this “node” is entered into the puppet masters configuration for management, it can do as it’s told.
Re-issue SSL Certificate
Note: If you are having issues with the certificate, you may need to delete it and have it re-issued. See below.
Server Removal: (using a hostname of
# puppet cert clean
Client Removal: (same hostname of
find ~/.puppet/ssl -name -delete
On the client machine re-generate the SSL with:
# sudo puppet agent -t
Now sign it on the puppet server with:
# sudo puppet cert sign
Puppet Configuration
Now that the puppet server and at least one puppet agent is installed we will want to configure the puppet server further. For this step, one would need to understand manifests, modules, etc. For a simple test, we will create a site manifest, which should be sufficient to get things working and tested.
# vi /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp
# ============ Contents of the site.pp file ============== #
class test_class {
file { “/tmp/testfile”:
ensure => present,
mode => 0600,
content => “It works from IP: ${ipaddress_enp0s3}!\n”,
owner => root,
group => root
# Tell puppet on which clients to run the class
node client1,client2 {
include test_class
# ============== End of the site.pp file ================ #
Now run: puppet agent --test
on each of the puppet clients. It should finish successfully, and create a /tmp/testfile. The contents should list your IP address. Assuming of course that your network interface is enp0s3.
Resources to learn more about puppet
- ## Download the learning VM. It include a copy of Puppet Enterprise, and can walk you through learning about manifests, modules, etc.
- ## Document resource ***