If you wish to avoid the overhead of the ssh encryption algorithm you can use netcat to transfer the files. Be warned, that this is plain text, so you should only use this on a trusted network (or with non-sensitive data).
On target: "nc -l 4000 | tar xvf -" On source: "tar -cf - . | nc target_ip 4000"
Use nc -h (or netcat -h if another o/s like AIX)
Might be an idea to re-direct your stderr to a file to determine if any errors occured during the transfer. Such as:
On target: "nc -l 4000 | tar xvf - 2>/tmp/tarball-error-source.log" On source: "tar -cf - . 2>/tmp/tarball-error-target.log| nc target_ip 4000"
Originally found here: