Instead of using DVD or the HMC to install the VIO server, it can be pushed out from the NIM server. To accomplish this, one would want to configure the nim environment first. The steps below are anticipating a VIOS 3.1 version.
- Download Virtual_IO_Server_3.1.x.x_flash.iso # from IBM ESS
- Copy flash ISO to the nim server
- Mount flash iso:
loopmount -i /tmp/Virtual_IO_Server_3.1.x.x_flash.iso -m /mnt -o "-V udfs -o ro"
- extract mksysb from within ISO image to NIM Server:
cp /mnt/usr/sys/inst.images/mksysb_image /nim/export/mksysb/
- Define a resource:
nim -o define -t mksysb -a server=master -a location=/export/mksysb/mksysb_image vios_31xx_mksysb
- Define a spot:
nim -o define -t spot -a server=master -a location=/export/spot/ -a source=vios_31xx_mksysb vios_31xx_spot
- Copy bosinst_data:
mkdir -f /export/bosinst_data/vios_31xx_bosinst && cp /mnt/bosinst_data /export/bosinst_data/vios_31xx_bosinst/
- Define bosinst_data resource:
nim -o define -t bosinst_data -a server=master -a location=/export/bosinst_data/vios_31xx_bosinst/ vios_31xx_bosinst_data
Add Nim network to the NIM Master (if it doesn’t already exist)
nim -o define -t ent -a net_addr= -a snm= -a routing1="default" -a comments="test_network" 10_1_1_0
Update the above to the relevant networking within your environment.
Define a machine for VIOS (giving mac address of machine)
nim -o define -t standalone -a platform=chrp -a if1="10_1_1_0 testvios aeaad1ea0122" -a cable_type1=tp -a netboot_kernel=mp -a connect=shell testvios
Install Virual I/O Server
First, allocate the resources you created earlier:
nim -o allocate -a bosinst_data=vios_31xx_bosinst_data testvios
nim -o allocate -a mksysb=vios_31xx_mksysb testvios
nim -o allocate -a spot=vios_31xx_spot testvios
Next, perform the installation: nim -o bos_inst -a source=mksysb -a boot_client=no -a accept_licenses=yes testvios
- Check the exports:
showmount -e
- Show the spot, bosinst_data and mksysb exported to the vio:
ls -l /tftpboot
- Show info on client including IP, subnet, gw:
tail /etc/bootptab
Now that it is all configured. Boot the client to do the install:
- Activate testvios LPAR
- Enter SMS menu (pressing 1 during AIX boot screen)
- Select Setup Remote IPL (Initial Program Load)
- Select Interpartition Logical Lan (confirming MAC address)
- Select IPv4 address format
- Select bootp
- Select IP paramaters, then configure the addresses: (example)
- Client IP address:
- Server IP Address:
- Gateway IP Address:
- Subnet Mask:
- hit ESC to go back a level.
- Select ping test. If settings good, select 1 <enter> to perform ping test
- If ping test successful, hit M to go the main menu in SMS menu’s
Now that you have configured the IP information, you are ready to attempt booting from the network.
- Select Boot Options
- Select Install Device (usually option 1)
- Select Network
- Select BOOTP
- Select Interpartition Logical LAN
- Select Normal Mode Boot
- Select 1 to exit SMS
If everything is set correctly, the system will attempt a bootp connection and load up the vios spot. From there you will be able to proceed with a VIOS installation.